Two weeks late cause my computer died as I was getting ready to post (a Mac battery lasts almost 6 years in case you were wondering...)
At his doctor's appointment, he got his flu booster shot and didn't even react. His thigh chub definitely comes in handy! He's 21 lbs 3 oz (60%) and 28.5 inches (63%).
Dez is developing such a personality and dare I say high maintenance. Of course I love that he loves being held and always crawls up to where me and Colby are standing, pulls himself up and reaches his arms up. I sort of miss the days of being able to get anything done while he's awake. But I have to try and always remind myself how much I'll miss it when he doesn't need me anymore!
He loves exploring and discovered he can unroll the toilet paper and eat it too! It's fun trying to get ready in the morning with that nerd. He falls down a good amount, and with the wood floors at our new apartment it always sounds worse than it is. He doesn't cry when he falls that often, but when he does cry he doesn't seem to want to be comforted at all. I try to hold him but he just wants to keep crawling around while still crying. It's so sad! So I guess he's only needy sometimes...
The first few weeks in the new apartment were pretty bad for his sleeping. He cried for a good hour each night, but this past week it's finally been getting back to normal. He sleeps about 10 hours straight and 12-13 hours total each night. He used to go 12-13 straight but I can't complain!
This month we realized that he's much more likely to eat solids if it's something he can feed himself. So we've all but done away with purees and are just giving him chunks of different food. He probably drops half of it and makes a huge mess, but he loves it! His favorite things to eat are cheese (duh), bread, beans, and sweet potatoes. Those are probably just the things I feed him most often so that just makes them his favorite by default. If he has bananas and cheese on his tray at once, he will go for the cheese 10 times out of 10. He tried his first ice cream and some other sweets this month and couldn't get enough. But let's get real, my milk is probably 90% sugar so you're welcome.
He loves drinking from a straw and water from his sippy cup, but he just hasn't figured out how to tip it up by himself yet. He spits with his tongue out nonstop, loves pinching/scratching/clawing our eyes out, playing with cans of Diet Dr. Pepper (doubles as a toy and a tasty beverage), and absolutely lights up when Colby get home. He's slowly becoming more of a daddy's boy. But at the end of the day, he knows who's got the good stuff.
We really struggled with the pictures this month but he really is this crazy:
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