Friday, May 25, 2018

Eight Months

Sooo this month has been a little crazy and we've moved and all that so maybe that will explain why I'm posting this a week before she's 9 months. Oh well.

I just can't believe how old and talented this girl is getting. She's standing up without any assistance getting up, crawling like crazy, and so close to walking! I need her to calm down a little. As of 8 months she had 4 teeth, size 3 diapers, 6-9 month clothes and 3-6 month shoes. Nothing stays on her feet!

She will eat anything you give her and never seems to be satisfied. She LOVES baths and gets so excited when she sees/hears the water running. She also loves the vacuum and whenever I'm vacuuming she chases it and tries to eat it. The complete opposite of Dez--he still isn't a fan.

The swing is officially gone and she gets in her bouncer rarely but really doesn't like it unless she's in the perfect mood. She's still fussy for me whenever I walk through the door and loves being held. Love this Chesney girl!