Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Week 39 Update - Shut Your Pregnant Face

How far? 39 weeks, 3 days

Total weight gain: about 28 lbs

Maternity clothes? I mostly stick to my skirts and dresses. And the bra saga continues but I've basically given up. I ordered a sleep nursing bra on Amazon and the reviews made it seem like it would fit. Well it doesn't. But I'm keeping it anyway cause I'm done with this. At least it's better than all the other ones I've tried on, which still doesn't say much. My size doesn't even exist on any of the size charts sooo ... I don't even care how dramatic this sounds because WHYYY can't anyone make a nursing bra that fits me and isn't $100?! The good news is, if I ever need to start my own business I know exactly what to do!

Baby purchases: Basically everything I didn't have before, which really wasn't a whole lot. I have a few more things I'll need eventually of course but I'm at least covered for the newborn stage and then some. And it's all organized now weeeee!!!

Food cravings: No cravings, but I've noticed I can't do ice cream like I used to. I kind of feel sick after I eat it, but that doesn't really stop me...

Wedding ring on or off? On and this question is boring. Next.


Moods? At night I get frustrated not being able to breathe at whatnot, but other than that things are good. I take a long time to fall asleep because I'm busy squirting a gallon of saline spray up my nose and taking Sudafed. Don't mind me.

What I miss: Why do I automatically think of cookie dough whenever I see this question? You best believe I'll be making a big ol' batch by about this time next week. That will be an amazing reunion.

What else is new? I have officially started my maternity leave from work! I was going to originally work this week, right up to my due date, but the more I thought about it the more I wanted some time to get last-minute things taken care of and clean and organize everything. My mom and sister came over today and helped me clean for a while which was awesome! Me and my sister spent a good 20-30 minutes organizing my bucket of candy...don't judge. It's also been great to sleep in a little and have time to make a few freezer meals.

Looking forward to: BIRTH!! It could be any time now and I keep going back and forth between being extremely excited and having a panic attack that people will expect me to take him home and keep him alive and stuff. Our lives will change a lot but I can't wait! 

I haven't hit the "sick of and done with being pregnant" stage yet. I really don't even feel like I'm at the end based on how the end has been portrayed. I'm feeling great and I could go on for weeks! But hopefully I wont because I want to snuggle my baby boy!