Friday, August 31, 2018

Eleven Months

Chesney is getting more fun and full of sass every day. She loves her bottle and still eats almost anything you give her. "Eats" is a relative term though because she winds up storing most of it in her cheeks like a chipmunk. We'll think she's done with something and then like an hour later see her chewing and find out it's been in there for a while.

She still likes baths, but is terrified any time I lie her back to rinse her hair. She mostly starts crying and death gripping my arms. She also still gets scared on changing tables.

She's still chases the vacuum around while it's on, meanwhile Dez runs and hides. They are so cute together and I love watching them interact. Dez has always been such a great brother and is always there to "make her laugh" when I need him to distract her while I change her diaper/get her dressed/anything else she doesn't want to do.

She has her 6 teeth and makes the funniest, scrunched-up face while breathing hard through her nose that Dez did as well.

It's hard to believe she's almost one!

 We finally got a couple smiles!

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