Friday, January 5, 2018

Four Months

This month she started rolling over! The first time she did it was on Dec. 19th, and she had been so close for a while. That night I even thought to myself she'll probably roll over tonight! Then of course I got up to get some milk and when I came back she was on her stomach! Kinda mad I missed the first one. She rolls so much now, but has only gone from stomach to back a few times. It's funny because she hates being on her stomach, yet she'll roll to it over and over. Colby and I are constantly flipping her back over, and she'll immediately roll again.

One of the best things that's happening is she doesn't cry as often in her car seat anymore. She still does, but it's getting less common. We got a clip-on white noise machine that has been amazing. No more shoving our phones between her and the seat.

Her sleep has gotten slightly better this month, but only because we're having her sleep in the swing. I know it's not the best thing to do, but she sleeps terribly in the pack n play! Her "long stretch" is usually from about 2 to 6 or 7, and after that she sleeps in our bed. 

We want to switch her to the crib, but are still trying to figure out how to do it since she and Dez will share a room. I'm guessing it will be a rough couple of weeks but it has to happen soonish!

She weighs 14 lbs 2 oz (47%), is 26 inches (95%), and head is 42.5 cm (92%). She only cried for a second when she got her 2 shots.

She smiles and laughs a lot, but basically refused to crack a smile when we brought out the camera. The hardest she laughed this month was at Dez hitting his "pew pew" against the couch and him putting her giraffe toy on a chip clip.



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