Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Four Months

At Dez's four-month appointment he weighed 18 lbs 4 oz and was 28 inches long, which is the 95th percentile for both. I love that he's a big, healthy boy but I also want him to be little! He's a giant compared to other babies I see that are close to his age. He only gets heavier from here...oh no.

He got the four shots at his appointment and I was bracing myself for the crying to start but it never came! After the second shot he whined for about a second and was done and perfectly fine. I've never seen a baby that cries as little as Dez does! Colby says we're going to die with our next kids because Dez is so easy.

He rolls all over the place for me but has yet to roll from front to back for his dad. Basically as soon as Colby leaves the room or whenever he's gone is when he rolls. He's also getting a lot more mobile and will turn a complete 360 on his playmat when I look away for about 5 seconds.

He reaches for toys that are behind him and will move to get what he wants. The bad things about it is he moves while sleeping too and wakes up when he runs into the side of the crib with his face. Most nights he still sleeps at least 10 hours though.

He has started wanting to sit up on his own and is able to sit for 5-10 seconds all by himself. While he's lying down in the bath or against the side of the couch he just tries to sit up. Seriously he's getting too big!

He gets distracted while eating now very easily so I have to make sure nothing else is going on if I want him to eat well. Not that he's lacking in the chubs department. His hair seems to be getting a tiny bit thicker but it really hasn't changed much since he was born.

He loves playtime with daddy, grabbing our faces, baths, talking and shrieking VERY loudly, and playing with his toys.

He still doesn't understand how to suck on a binky but is getting a little bit better at sucking his thumb.

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