(I'm writing this just after she turned 10 months...it's fine.)
9 months! This month, Chesney started waving, clapping, and getting more and more personality. She also started standing on her own even more, even though she started doing that just before 8 months. She's even taken a step or two! She also loves to spit and click her tongue.
I swear to you she has said "Dez" a couple times, says "dada" all the time with a very rare "mama". She loves the vacuum and always tries to chase and grab it when it's on. But she hates care vacuum and cries every time we get the car washed. Similarly, she loves baths but not swimming as much. But as long as it's warm water she's fine with it.
She is seems fearless, yet is a little scared of heights now when Colby throws her in the air, or once when I tried putting her on the changing table at the rec center she screamed and would not let me go with her death grip. That has never happened before!
She definitely has the sass and it's extremely common for her to whine and fuss if I put her down. She's also apparently fine and good when I'm gone, but the second I walk through the door she immediately starts whining until I pick her up. Since I'm working more, she's started drinking more formula and seems to be fine with it.
Occasionally wakes up early morning to eat and go back to sleep, but also sleeps clear through the night a lot of times. It's hit and miss how well she falls asleep at night, but she's a relatively good sleeper!
At her doctors's appointment, she was 40% for weight, 92% for height, and 94% for head. She has 5 teeth with another on the way.
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