Friday, August 31, 2018

Eleven Months

Chesney is getting more fun and full of sass every day. She loves her bottle and still eats almost anything you give her. "Eats" is a relative term though because she winds up storing most of it in her cheeks like a chipmunk. We'll think she's done with something and then like an hour later see her chewing and find out it's been in there for a while.

She still likes baths, but is terrified any time I lie her back to rinse her hair. She mostly starts crying and death gripping my arms. She also still gets scared on changing tables.

She's still chases the vacuum around while it's on, meanwhile Dez runs and hides. They are so cute together and I love watching them interact. Dez has always been such a great brother and is always there to "make her laugh" when I need him to distract her while I change her diaper/get her dressed/anything else she doesn't want to do.

She has her 6 teeth and makes the funniest, scrunched-up face while breathing hard through her nose that Dez did as well.

It's hard to believe she's almost one!

 We finally got a couple smiles!

Monday, July 16, 2018

Ten Months

This month she took me by surprise as she is now completely weaned. I'm sad because I had no idea I'd be done so soon! I nursed Dez until he was almost 2 1/2, so Chesney being done at 10 months is definitely new for me. I've been working most days, which I didn't really do when Dez was a baby and I haven't kept up on pumping as much as I should have. Plus she loves bottles anyway.

I know all parents say this, but Chesney just seems so smart and advanced for 10 months. She started only walking (no crawling at all!) when she was still 9 months, so now she's just a walking pro. She also is pretty good at obeying when me or anyone tells her not to put something in her mouth, etc.

Since I've always been used to breastfeeding, it's crazy to just do bottles and actually see how much she drinks, which is a lot! We have gone through a ton of formula and I never realized how cheap it was to breastfeed. :) My focus is never solid foods, but she loves anything. I think her favorite food has to be blueberries. Anytime those are on her tray she eats them up and wants more before she even touches anything else. She also tried cherries and was a huge fan.

She loves peek-a-boo and initiated most games herself by pulling something over her face and holding it there until someone says, "where's Chesney?". She still sleeps awesome and does better in the car now that we give her a bottle most times we get in. Why didn't I think of that before?

She's amazing and perfect and fun and if I could think of one flaw, it's that her hair doesn't really grow. Love our Babes/Candy/Feffy!

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Nine Months

(I'm writing this just after she turned 10's fine.)

9 months! This month, Chesney started waving, clapping, and getting more and more personality. She also started standing on her own even more, even though she started doing that just before 8 months. She's even taken a step or two! She also loves to spit and click her tongue.

I swear to you she has said "Dez" a couple times, says "dada" all the time with a very rare "mama". She loves the vacuum and always tries to chase and grab it when it's on. But she hates care vacuum and cries every time we get the car washed. Similarly, she loves baths but not swimming as much. But as long as it's warm water she's fine with it.

She is seems fearless, yet is a little scared of heights now when Colby throws her in the air, or once when I tried putting her on the changing table at the rec center she screamed and would not let me go with her death grip. That has never happened before!

She definitely has the sass and it's extremely common for her to whine and fuss if I put her down. She's also apparently fine and good when I'm gone, but the second I walk through the door she immediately starts whining until I pick her up. Since I'm working more, she's started drinking more formula and seems to be fine with it.

Occasionally wakes up early morning to eat and go back to sleep, but also sleeps clear through the night a lot of times. It's hit and miss how well she falls asleep at night, but she's a relatively good sleeper!

At her doctors's appointment, she was 40% for weight, 92% for height, and 94% for head. She has 5 teeth with another on the way.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Eight Months

Sooo this month has been a little crazy and we've moved and all that so maybe that will explain why I'm posting this a week before she's 9 months. Oh well.

I just can't believe how old and talented this girl is getting. She's standing up without any assistance getting up, crawling like crazy, and so close to walking! I need her to calm down a little. As of 8 months she had 4 teeth, size 3 diapers, 6-9 month clothes and 3-6 month shoes. Nothing stays on her feet!

She will eat anything you give her and never seems to be satisfied. She LOVES baths and gets so excited when she sees/hears the water running. She also loves the vacuum and whenever I'm vacuuming she chases it and tries to eat it. The complete opposite of Dez--he still isn't a fan.

The swing is officially gone and she gets in her bouncer rarely but really doesn't like it unless she's in the perfect mood. She's still fussy for me whenever I walk through the door and loves being held. Love this Chesney girl!

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Seven Months

This month she gave up scooting for good and is now a straight-up crawler. Not only that, but she goes from crawling to sitting easily, and pulls herself up to stand on the couch, tub, her crib, or whatever else she can.

She's wearing mostly 6-9 month clothes, size 3 diapers, and has the best wrist chub ever. She has her bottom two teeth, but I think she'll get the top ones soon! 

She loves feeding herself and loves Cheerios and whatever else she can pick up. She loves fruit/veggie pouches, teething crackers. If you take her to a restaurant, you'd better be prepared with constant food to give her or else she will freak out. Girl can eat. And demands to at all times. 

She's back to hating her car seat a lot of the time and has probably only gotten in her swing 2 or 3 times this past month. She's doing great at sleeping in her crib! She still goes to bed around 9:30 or 10 and wakes up around 7:30, eats, and goes back to sleep until about 9:30 or 10. 

She's usually great for Colby when I'm at work, but the second I walk through the door she crawls over to me and starts fussing. She totally takes advantage of me. Oh well, she's cute. And won't hold still. 

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Six Months

This month Chesney got her first two teeth, gets up in crawling position when she isn't scooting all over the place, and also sat in a cart and restaurant high chair for the first time! We have started an actual bedtime which has been nothing short of amazing. Both kids are in bed by 10 (we're night owls around here) and she usually sleeps until about 7ish. Lately she also wakes up at some other point as well, but I'll take it! Most of the time when I wake up with her I don't realize it's the middle of the night until I'm putting her back to bed.

She's wearing a lot of 6-9 month clothes as well as size 2 or 3 diapers. 2's seem a little small but we're finishing up what we have! At her appointment she was 27.25 inches (94%), 15 lbs 6.5 oz (37%), and her head was 44 cm (92%).

When she's in a good mood her favorite thing is having free reign scooting around the apartment. Whenever she goes into a bathroom, she goes right for the toilet, and everywhere else she loves the door stoppers.

We got a bouncer hoping we'd be able to contain her while getting stuff done, but she only likes to stay in it for 5-10 minutes before she gets fussy. And she has to be just fed for her to even last that long. Hopefully she'll start liking it more!

Whenever Colby is home with the kids while I'm at work, she'll do just fine the whole time I'm gone, but as soon as I walk through the door she gets super fussy until I pick her up. I like to think I'm her favorite. :) Although she absolutely loves all things Dez and playing with Colby.

They love each other I think.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Five Months

This month Chesney discovered her feet, started eating a little rice cereal, and finally made the transition to her crib (in the closet). She wouldn't be a true Sanford child if her bedroom wasn't in a closet I think. We decided the two sharing a room just wouldn't work right now. She just started in her crib a few nights ago, and every night since then she's slept 10-11 hours straight! I don't know what to do with myself. Now if we could just get her to go to sleep before midnight we'd be set. 

She thinks this stuffed monkey is hilarious and still loves her brother more than anything. She's only eaten cereal a handful of times, but we can never shovel it in fast enough when we do. Since we started the cereal, we officially ditched cloth diapers. This time around I'm just not as in to spraying off poop, so disposables it is. She's wearing size 2 but we have size 3 ready to go as soon as we finish up the current package. 

Her favorite chew toy is her clothes and blankets. In the last week or two she's gotten much better at rolling from tummy to back, but she will still roll herself onto her tummy and then sit there fussing because she doesn't like it. She's scooting forward and backward and never stays in one place for long! 

 She's wearing mostly 6 month clothes, with some 3-6 month stuff I can't let go of and even 6-12 month clothes as well. We just love this girl to pieces and can't believe how big she's getting!

Friday, January 5, 2018

Four Months

This month she started rolling over! The first time she did it was on Dec. 19th, and she had been so close for a while. That night I even thought to myself she'll probably roll over tonight! Then of course I got up to get some milk and when I came back she was on her stomach! Kinda mad I missed the first one. She rolls so much now, but has only gone from stomach to back a few times. It's funny because she hates being on her stomach, yet she'll roll to it over and over. Colby and I are constantly flipping her back over, and she'll immediately roll again.

One of the best things that's happening is she doesn't cry as often in her car seat anymore. She still does, but it's getting less common. We got a clip-on white noise machine that has been amazing. No more shoving our phones between her and the seat.

Her sleep has gotten slightly better this month, but only because we're having her sleep in the swing. I know it's not the best thing to do, but she sleeps terribly in the pack n play! Her "long stretch" is usually from about 2 to 6 or 7, and after that she sleeps in our bed. 

We want to switch her to the crib, but are still trying to figure out how to do it since she and Dez will share a room. I'm guessing it will be a rough couple of weeks but it has to happen soonish!

She weighs 14 lbs 2 oz (47%), is 26 inches (95%), and head is 42.5 cm (92%). She only cried for a second when she got her 2 shots.

She smiles and laughs a lot, but basically refused to crack a smile when we brought out the camera. The hardest she laughed this month was at Dez hitting his "pew pew" against the couch and him putting her giraffe toy on a chip clip.