Monday, May 4, 2015

Spring Break Woo

Late posting this but what else is new? In April my mom came down to visit us for Spring Break! We had a blast showing her around our new home in the South. It's a shame she's probably the pickiest eater out there and she wasn't a fan of crawfish or any other adventurous Cajun food...but me and Colby ate like kings and finished whatever she didn't. No surprise. And her favorite thing we ate all week was Waffle House. She liked it so much that we went there twice. But I can't blame her, that place makes the best waffles I've ever had. (If anyone ever finds a waffle iron that makes super thin waffles like Waffle House, you could get it for me if you want.)

Here are some of the pictures from the week according to my mom's iPhone...

Easter weekend and I was determined to take Dez to an egg hunt. Colorful eggs covering a field is the best.
Holding the golden egg...
that won him this bike! I don't know how a hunt will ever live up to his first one. (I had no idea what the prize would be, but my competitive nature made darn sure we ended up with that egg. Suck it kids.)
LSU to see Mike the Tiger and the stadium

Cajuns baseball
Seafood gumbo and boudin balls

Avery Island and the Tabasco Factory
New Orleans!
bjdkahgtrjbvdesgftwa is that not the sweetest face?!

Dez warmed up to her quick and loves his Grandma! It was sad to see her go and it was really nice having her around. But we are excited to visit our families in Utah this summer!

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