Wednesday, January 28, 2015

7 Months

I can't believe how fast Dez is growing up!

We started actually sleep training and at first it was too good to be true. But the last week or two he's going through some sort of regression and/or growth spurt because he wakes up every 2 or 3 hours and it's definitely to eat. At first I would try to put him back to sleep without feeding him and it kind of worked but he slowly wore me down and I gave in.

And he hasn't been in his swing for weeks and I don't know that he'll ever want to go back! He used to love that thing. I'm kind of sad about it.

He's getting better at wanting to eat solids, though typically I only feed him solids once a day for the following reasons: 1) I'm lazy 2) It takes more work than nursing so no thanks 3) While I can still get away with it I will, because I guess I'm lazy.

Again, no teeth!

He loves standing up against the coffee table, his walker, or wherever else even though he still hasn't pulled himself up by himself yet. He loves to literally crawl over me and Colby while we play with him on the floor and he is extremely determined to get where he wants to go. This morning I found him sitting up in his crib and that's the first time he's pulled himself up to sitting on his own.

He has officially crawled in the past few days, but after a while he will still go back to scooting. He is crazy fast and we have had to resort in getting him a gate to play in so I can get stuff done once in a while. Although he even knows how to get out of that if it's not snapped tight! And when it is closed, he will grab the gate with both hands while on his stomach and push with all his might hoping it will open. He's too funny.

No matter how many toys he is surrounded by, he will always go for whatever non-toy item he sees around the room. He has the most fun with Colby's LeBron wristband and the sleeve he cut off his shirt. (For a muscle tee obvs.) I also turned my back while he was next to the wipe container and he opened it, pulled one out and started eating it before I knew what happened. Mind you it takes me a minute to pull a single wipe out since they always stick. But he figured it out no problem.

Also, whenever I pick him up whether from his crib or anywhere else, he wraps his arms around my neck and turns me into a puddle. I also love when he reaches for me just to make sure I'm still there. He's the sweetest boy there is. 

(He was bouncing off the walls right before he started taking the pictures and all the sudden he was extremely somber didn't move for a few minutes. I was dying.)


 The best smile we could get ^^^
 Is Calvin Klein interested? I think he's got the pose down ^^^

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

6 Months

We were a few weeks late on the 6 month checkup because of our trip to Utah, but I made up for it by making Dez get the flu shot on top of all the other ones he needed. I'm a cool mom. He did actually cry a little this time, but was over it as soon as the shots were done. His legs seem to really be bothering him tonight though and he had a teeny fever. He's never needed to take Tylenol before now and OH MY GOSH does that stuff work. He went from a fussy mess to hitting himself in the legs and laughing.

He's now 20.3 pounds and 27.5 inches. I think his New Year's resolution was to not gain any more weight because he's been stuck at 20 pounds for a while! And still no signs to teeth.

This last month he has grown up SO much! A month ago he could just sit for short periods of time and was just starting to scoot. Now we can't even contain him! He's still just scooting, but he gets up in crawling position (and down dog) all the time, he just can't figure out the arm part yet.

He's started to grab my face while I'm holding him and suck on my face. I never though having a baby slobber all over you would be the best but it really is.

He's slowly getting the hang of solids even though most the time he doesn't seem to be in the mood for it unless it's random pieces from our plates. It also doesn't seem like he's nursing any less now that he's eating some solids either. His favorites are sweet potatoes, squash, bananas and avocados.

While in Utah his sleep schedule was even more miserable than usual which encouraged me to want to set an actual schedule (along with my mom). So the past couple days he's actually fallen asleep before 11 with a little less crying each night! I hope he's learning how to fall asleep on his own since we always have put him to bed already asleep until now. No one ever gave me a step-by-step of how to do this! Well I guess every book ever about baby sleep has a pretty good list, but I never got around to those books because ain't nobody got time for that. Even though I do have time. I just don't read. Now I do. Bye.

(PS...My pictures have such good lighting. Some people just have a gift I guess. -__-)

Monday, January 12, 2015

A Very Utah Christmas

We spent almost a month in Utah for Christmas thanks to Colby's ridiculously long break from school. Louisiana doesn't mess around with breaks. Our families are the bomb and I think I ate enough to cover all of 2015. It's always sad to leave but I couldn't be happier I escaped the snow.

[spacing is way off on most of these because computers are hard and I give up]

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Bench grandparents took the boys on a secret trip to Build-a-Bear and got Dez his first teddy bear. And his pants always turn into man-pris.

Dez rode on his first train and thought it was "meh".

Temple Square lights. It amazes me what Dez will sleep through.

Christmas Eve nativity with the Sanford cousins.
My dad dressed up as Santa and it was basically the best thing that's ever happened. Dez had no idea what was going on but he doesn't care about anything as long as he can chew on a Santa hat. Or anything else.
6 AM on Christmas morning. My face was about the same except not nearly as cute.
You can take the boy out of Louisiana but you can't take Louisiana out of the boy.
Of all the presents he got he loved the giant pack of Ramen the most. We really scored at my grandparent's Christmas party game.

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Dez worked on his fitness and we attempted some crossfit. So I couldn't walk most of the break.

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We went to a super fun NYE party hosted by some good friends. It's going to be a great year!