Thursday, August 28, 2014

Two Months

 14.5 pounds. Eyes getting bluer. Thighs getting chunkier.

Dez has started to talk a whole lot more and sometimes he'll even repeat the noises we make and will keep a nice conversation going. It's so much fun.

Another thing. SLEEP. All of the sudden he knows how to do it! For about the past week he's slept around 9 hours straight every night. I think it also has to do with the fact that he's finally getting better at finding where his thumb is. He's never been able to keep a binky in his mouth. Most the time when we try he acts like it's making him choke to death...he's a little dramatic. So I'm glad he's at least somewhat sucking his thumb because it helps him sleep longer!

I'm still adjusting from the old schedule and have a super hard time sleeping before 3 am, but I'm getting slightly more sleep than I'm used to and it's still nice. I always think it's too good to be true and he'll go back to his old ways any day, so I don't want to fall asleep because I'm scared I won't hear him if he wakes up. He's been in his own room across the apartment, but I can surprisingly still hear him pretty well when he wakes up. Which never includes full-on crying though. He's seriously the best.

When I go get him to feed him after the long night of sleep, he stares at me for about a minute just smiling and laughing. Absolutely no one should be that happy in the morning! The best was when he slept until 10...but I woke up at 8 and couldn't go back to sleep so that was weird waiting 2 hours for him to wake up.

Loves: Playing on his floor gym and looking at himself in the mirror. I'll catch him staring up at himself with a huge smile on his face. It's hilarious. I also love that he'll move around and hit the animals hanging down. He's getting better at the whole hand-eye thing. He also scoots himself from one side of the mat the other with his feet (he does the same thing in his crib).

Getting his face poked by his annoying mom. It always makes him laugh when I poke around his mouth making dumb sounds. Whatever works.

Scratching/clawing his face. I try my best to keep the nails under control and I can't believe he hasn't scratched his face more. It always seems like he's trying to claw his eye out!

Being on his tummy. "Tummy time" quickly turns into nap time. He can't stay awake in that position for long and it rocks. Pretty sure he won't be rolling over for a while. He likes where he's at.

Hates: Longish car rides. That kid LOVES being in the car and usually falls asleep in minutes, but once it gets to around an hour or so, he's not happy. The only time he's really ever cried hard was when we were driving home from Baton Rouge (about an hour away) and driving home from the Houston airport (a few hours). It's usually just because he's getting hungry or too tired to fall asleep.

That's really the only thing I can think of that he isn't too fond of--he's the best baby ever.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Louisiana 4Lyfe

So we're living in Louisiana now. That's weird. But also cool. I've always been fascinated/obsessed with the South and now I'm getting my first taste of it! Dez was such a champ on the plane ride and made the travel pretty easy for me. My dad and Colby are rockstars for driving our crap 24 hours.

I love the "y'alls", smell of the humid air (glorious), and what I've had of Cajun food so far!

It's HOT here for sure, but it's good knowing it will only get cooler from here. Until next summer of course. I can't wait for a warm (or at least non-cold/snowy) winter. The past few days have had the biggest, craziest thunderstorms!

I also got to put my years of jr. high French to use when a guy at the grocery store asked if we had a little boy or little girl in French. At first I didn't think he was talking to us and if I was I was just caught so off guard because he said it like he assumed everyone just spoke/understood French (maybe everybody does?). Colby was looking really confused and it was cool that I was able to answer back and I knew what he said! Not that it was the most complicated question, but it was awesome that my language skill came in handy for once! It's also cool that so many street names and restaurants are French. Such a different culture! I love it.

Saying goodbye to Grandma Teri at the airport. Our families rock.

Freddys' in Houston! I haven't had this taste of heaven in two years and it's so good I want to cry.


First taste of Cajun food! It's a good thing we aren't rich. We'd be so fat.

Sunday nap with Grandpa.

He's too yummy.

Exploring the university! Just your everyday campus swamp.

We love Grandpa Jason!

We got spoiled rotten while my dad was out here hanging out with us for a few days and we hated to see him go!