Wednesday, July 30, 2014

One Month

Tonight Dez went to sleep at a decent human hour (2 am), so naturally here it is almost 4 in the morning and I'm still wide awake. I don't know. At this point I'm just waiting for him to wake up again soon unless this is the time he decides to sleep for a long stretch. It's like he knows! I might as well do something besides lie in bed...

A few days ago marked a month for Dez! It's gone by fast and slow at the same time. I'm trying to enjoy every moment I have and just can't believe how much he's already changed and grown. *Lighting is on point and his diaper is bigger than he is.*

Loves: EATING. It's crazy to me to think about how much time out of each day is spent feeding this bottomless pit.

Laughing/smiling in his sleep. I love when I catch him in the act! He's also smiling a lot more while awake, especially when he first wakes up "for the day" around noon or 1.

Pulling his hair. Well, he actually should hate it but he won't stop doing it! Every time I hear the scream I know exactly what he's doing and have to run and pry his death grip off that hair.

Being on his tummy, hanging out in his swing, and getting bounced up and down.

Hates: I really can't think of much he hates. He used to hate baths but now he's indifferent to them. He just didn't like being cold but we've gotten better at keeping him warm and getting him in a towel quick.

All in all he's such a happy baby and rarely cries. His normal cry is more of a whimper, even when he's hungry! It's pretty awesome.

Mostly I feel like he's too big to only be a month old! What is happening?! But we're loving being parents and can't wait for what's to come!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Please Pass the Mom Jeans

So I'm a mom. That's weird. I still can't believe it sometimes! I mean, the guy at the salon last week thought I was 17. Sooo...clearly I'm not old enough for this. Just when I thought I was starting to grow out of my teenager look too! But then another girl in her 20s I was talking to at Art City Donuts (post baby healthy eating is going great btw) was shocked I was only 23. I guess holding your baby adds 6+ years. Who knew?

Things have obviously changed a lot, but there are a few things that stand out:

My new bedtime is right around 4 or 5 am since Dez is ALWAYS wide awake the entire time and wanting to eat every half hour from midnight to 4ish. Is this my reward for being such a night owl my whole life? I'll take it.

I curse any day I have to be anywhere/do anything/look halfway decent before 1 pm (okay 2). Staying in bed that long is the only way I get 5 or 6 hours of sleep (this kid eats often and for a looong time).

My brain is all over the place and much worse than any pregnancy brain. The only example I can think of at the moment though (my point exactly) is the other day when I was looking something up on my phone and then I needed to look at a calendar so I put down my phone and was running all over the house looking phone's calendar. I frantically asked Colby if he'd seen my phone anywhere, and luckily he was sitting right next to me when I put it down to look for it. Eeesh.

I also remember the first week we were home from the hospital we stayed up late watching Friends (obviously) and we were so sleep deprived we thought everything was extra hilarious and I literally could not stop laughing at every little thing. I also thought it was the funniest thing I'd ever seen when I was too weak to reach alllll the way to the coffee table to put my chapstick down and laughed hysterically when it fell on the floor instead. So there's that.

Life has changed so much and sometimes I don't even know that I can do it but we're on cloud 9! Dez is the best baby ever and we're so in love and can't stop staring at our perfect angel. It makes me sad how much he's already changed in the past 3.5 weeks. Stop it!

A few of my favorites:

The first time holding my son. Way up there among the best moments of my life.
The very best humans.
Probably the first really big smile I saw from him! He kind of even laughed too. It was awesome.
One of his most common expressions. It's hilarious.
Wearing my dad's blessing outfit for his baby blessing on July 13. We went without the bonnet's not 1966 anymore amiright?!
Saying goodbye to Aunt Alisa at the MTC!
We loved having Aunt Amanda visit from Portland. It's always way too short!