Monday, February 17, 2014

Week 22 Update - There's a Person Moving in There

How far? 22 weeks, 3 days
Total weight gain: about 9 lbs

Maternity clothes? I got some maternity leggings (I was feeling fancy) and a new dress I will probably live in. I mostly wanted them; don't necessarily need them yet.

Stretch marks? No.
Baby purchases: Nothing new recently. We waiting until we get the nursery all organized to start adding to it. Can't wait for that! Plus Colby just painted it and it's looking fiiine.
Food cravings: Nothing really. I love drinking water and I hate that I have to pace myself in the evening if I don't want to get up 5 times during the night. I also have to plan my drinking around if I'm going out in public. I went to the mall for about an hour and may or may not have made 3 pit stops. Lesson learned.

Wedding ring on or off? On.

Moods? I've had a few episodes where I'm mad/sad for no reason. I went to Winco last week and I was mad at the world for wronging me or something like that. How anyone could be unhappy while grocery shopping is beyond me. It's seriously one of my favorite things! I still can't believe I missed the opportunity. Oh well.
What makes me sick: Nothing I can think of. Woohoo!
What I miss: I get nervous eating pink steak, etc. so I mostly avoid it. I'm excited to order medium rare again and not feel bad about it (not that it was a regular occurrence anyway) .

What else is new? He's moving like crazy and I love that I can see my stomach move when he moves! Colby has felt him a few times but has the worst luck and almost always just misses them. I'm hoping they still like each other.
Looking forward to: Word on the street is that your bladder should be more under control by this time...still waiting. But even before I was pregnant I peed like a pregnant lady so I don't know what I'm talking about.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Week 20 Update - Our Huge Child Who Is Still a Boy

This week was our big halfway ultrasound measuring everything and making sure everything is going well. I was extremely excited and also nervous for it, and I was relieved when everything looked perfect! I really wish I could get an ultrasound every week! He was moving all around and the tech said he always moved exactly the way she needed him to. The boy confirmation took about a half a second, and being able to see his organs and body parts was so great.

Blowing some bubbles:
 Slightly scary alien face:
 Two arms:
 And two legs:

His measurements were so big that they moved my due date up a whole entire DAY. June 21st aka my sister's birthday aka the first day of summer! How they can measure that exactly is beyond me. All I know is he'd better come out ripped or he's grounded. He weighs 13 ounces so how could he not? They just grow up so fast...

I realize that most of the following info you don't give two craps about, but I want a record for myself and this is the only place I can think of to write it. (Journals are so last year.)
How far? 20 weeks, 6 days


Total weight gain: about 7 lbs

Maternity clothes? I did buy a pair of Gap maternity jeans and they are cooomfy, but my regular jeans still fit fine as well. But let's get real: I would prefer to wear leggings every day anyway. How I love those things. I'll probably write a love song at some point. I also have a few random maternity shirts I've gotten on sale, but I don't necessarily need them yet.

Stretch marks? Nothing yet. (I'm really hoping I'm a lucky one that doesn't get them!)

Baby purchases: Just a pair of cute little jeans, a few pairs of shorts (that were $2!), some sweats and a jacket. Nothing major yet.

Food cravings: I can finally eat candy again, but I wouldn't say I crave it. I've also had a strong connection with ice cream, but I really can't blame that on the pregnancy either. I ate it by the gallon before! But no real out-of-the-ordinary "cravings" I've noticed to answer the question. Thanks for asking.

Wedding ring on or off? On.

Moods? Good! I haven't noticed a difference there.
What makes me sick: Nothing! I still get full really fast and don't feel extra hungry lately. My appetite seems the same as before, or even less since I can't eat as much as I used to.
What I miss: I will feel this way until the end, but the only thing I can think of that I miss is cookie dough. There's no point to make cookies anymore cause I really made them for the dough anyway. And I don't have enough self control not to eat the dough if I did make them! A vicious cycle. 

What else is new? I [think] I've [definitely] felt the little guy moving around in there! A few movements have even made me jump! At least I hope it's the baby moving or this could be awkward. 
Looking forward to: The kicks getting stronger! I can't wait until Colby can feel them too!

This pregnancy has been so great so far and I know how lucky I am for it! I can't wait for everything to come.